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Energy Consumption and Water Use Report Requests

Ontario Regulation 20/17 under the Green Energy Act, 2009 requires owners of large buildings with a gross floor area of 50,000 square feet and above to report their energy consumption and water use data to the Ministry of Energy on an annual basis. The reporting requirement was phased in as shown in the following schedule:

Reporting Timeline Commercial Building Gross Floor Area Multi-Unit Residential Buildings Gross
By July 1, 2018 - Information for 2017 calendar year 250,000 square feet and larger Not required to report in first year
By July 1, 2019 - Information for 2018 calendar year 100,000 square feet and larger 100,000 square feet and larger
By July 1, 2020 - Information for 2019 calendar year 50,000 square feet and larger 50,000 square feet and larger

Please use the form below to request your annual energy and water consumption data for your property from PUC Services Inc. Submit your data request as soon as possible as it may take several weeks to process your request.

Fill out this form to request annual energy & water consumption data

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